Oral Sub Mucous Fibrosis (OSMF)

Oral Sub Mucous Fibrosis (OSMF) Treatment In Surendranagar and Ahmedabad, Gujarat

OSMF (Oral Submucous Fibrosis) is a chronic debilitating oral disease that causes stiffness of the cheek, palate, lip, tongue etc leading to restricted mouth opening and inability to eat. Oral means pertaining to mouth, submucous means skin below the delicate skin of mouth and Fibrosis means scarring and hardening.

About The Disease

OSMF has been seen to occur mainly in South East Asian population specially Indians, Pakistanis etc. It affects males as well as females. However, the percentage is higher in males due to the higher percentage of chewable abuse in men. A recent trend has been of OSMF affecting very young people even teenagers.

The cause for OSMF is obscure. It has been suggested that its origin is multifactorial with a high incidence of disease in association with consumption of areca nut (fruit of areca catechu palm) commonly known as betelnut or supari. Chewables as gutkha, surti, kharra chewable tobacco, pan masala and smoking are considered to be the causative factors. It is suspected that prolonged use of a mild irritant present in chillies which is used to spice Indian food is also related to OSMF. Protein and vitamin B deficiency also play a role in the occurrence of OSMF.

It is considered to be a slow developing disease that may take about 2-5 years to develop. The most common initial symptom is burning sensation in mouth often experienced when eating spicy foodstuffs. Other frequent early symptoms are blisters (specially on palate), ulcers and blanching of the delicate skin of mouth. A few years later there is stiffness of certain areas in the mouth due to formation of fibrous bands leading to -progressive inability to open mouth. -inability to whistle or blow out a candle. -inability to protrude tongue. -difficulty in swallowing. -pain in ears and deafness in some cases. -nasal voice.

OSMF can be prevented by eating a balanced healthy diet and no abuse of tobacco, supari, gutkha, pan masala, chillies etc.

OSMF by itself is not a carcinoma, but it makes the skin of mouth prone to cancer. It has been described as a precancerous disease. Research has shown that about 6-30% cases of OSMF progress into Oral Cancer. There is no way to predict which one will progress to oral cancer and which will not. Safer it is to assume every case of OSMF to be oral cancer so that every possible step may be taken to prevent cancer development. A few common signs indicating such changes are unhealing ulcer, lesion undergoing red changes, burning sensation in mouth, mass of tissue taking cauliflower like shape, lump in neck etc.

Treatment of OSMF depends on the severity and extent of the disease. In early cases eradication of any form of chronic irritation mechanical or chemical(sharp teeth, betel nut chewing, alcohol) is sufficient to prevent further damage. A balanced diet is essential. In moderate cases, some medicinal treatment is required to relieve the symptoms, but in severe cases surgery is the only alternative.

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