Our Technology

Dental Technology We Use In Our Clinic In Surendranagar and Ahmedabad , Gujarat

Staying true to our practice name, at Shaily Multispeciality Dental Clinic we pride ourselves on staying on the cutting edge of dental technology. We thoroughly research every new technology we bring into our office and we only offer the highest quality and most advanced equipment available. Not only do our patients appreciate the thought and effort that goes into adopting new dental technologies, but they also reap the benefits by having more thorough yet less invasive treatments that produce better results!

Digital Radiography

Our office only uses digital radiography, which exposes the patient to 80% less radiation than with films. The digital images instantly appear on the screen and can be e-mailed and archived as necessary. In addition to the reduced radiation and increased patient comfort, the resulting images are also clearer and allow the dentist to detect smaller lesions that may not be visible on film. Images can be colorized, magnified, brightened and/or darkened as necessary, which is also beneficial to help educate the patient about what is going on in his or her mouth.

Portable X-Ray Unit

We are using advanced, analog radiography x-ray system designed to help the radiology department achieve maximum clinical versatility and productivity.

DexCam Intra-Oral Camera

The Intra-Oral Camera is a fascinating innovation in dentistry that allows the client and the dentist to look deep into the mouth and observe the teeth at a very close angle. This wand-like camera transfers images to a television and can see so close to a tooth that it can show mini fractures, chips, secondary decay, wear down of the teeth, damaged and broken fillings and crowns and even gum disease. The Intra-Oral Camera is a wonderful educational tool for patients so they can learn about their mouths to help them on their journey to overall dental wellness.

Laser Dentistry

Laser (LIGHT AMPLIFICATION BY STIMULATED EMISSION OF RADIATION) is a high tech devise that generates a tiny beam of very concentrated light. This beam of light brings energy into your mouth through a tiny fiber, to help remove areas of infection and remove gum disease around the teeth with great precision and accuracy. The dental laser offers little to no bleeding, swelling, infection or post-operative discomfort and also eliminates the need for most sutures (stitches). We find the dental laser to be very effective in increasing the quality of our dental care. The gingival tissue in essence frames each individual tooth, helping to enhance the tooth and adding to the over-all orchestration of the smile.


Dental Implants are the most recent and advanced form in dentistry through which new teeth can be restored without damaging the adjacent teeth & feels absolutely natural.Implant reconstructive surgery is a highly specialized & skillful form of dentistry which combines all the elements of periodontics, prosthodontics & oral surgery. It has been proved scientifically & statistically that dental implants are safe effective & reliable, at the same time they provide physical value & immeasurable emotional benefit. Dental implants are hope and the only solutions for those who thought they had no alternatives.


Operation Theater

We have a fully-equipped Specialized Dental Operation Theatre which enables you to provide your patients excellent care and service. Our Operation Theatre is designed scientifically to ensure sterility, easy maintenance and effective utilization.

Apex Locator

An electronic apex locator is an electronic device used in endodontics determine the position of the apical foramen and thus determine the length of the root canal space. It has full-color screen, progressive sound control and the latest multi-frequency technology for improved visualization of the file progression. It is fully automated and requires no calibration before use. With a compact, smart design, Detect fits comfortably in the hand to provide a steady hold during root canal procedures.

Ultrasonic Cleaner, B-Type Sterilizer and Autoclave

Ultrasonic cleaning is powerful enough to remove tough contaminants, yet gentle enough not to damage the substrate. It provides excellent penetration and cleaning in the smallest crevices and between tightly spaced parts in a cleaning tank. We are using Sterilizers to eliminate the bacterias or viruses on the instruments we are using. We follow strict sterilization protocols. All Ultrasonically cleaned and dried instruments are then carefully sealed in Sterilization pouches. Sealed Sterilization Pouches are then Autoclaved at 121°C under 15 pounds pressure for 15 minutes before the drying cycle. Autoclaved Pouches are then kept in safe storage, until next use. Multiple sets of instruments are pouch sterilized and kept in storage. A fresh pouch is opened for every patients. Disposable items, such as disposable injections, sutures, gloves, mouth masks, cotton rolls, napkins etc., are used wherever possible.

Why To Choose Us?

  • Tested & Trusted From 1994

    We've been proudly serving entire families dental treatments in Surendranagar and the surrounding area from 1994.

  • Whole Dentistry Under One Roof

    We are providing all kind of dental services under one roof. We have a great team of detnal surgeons and specialists for each dental diseases.

  • Comfortable Clinic

    Our clinic was built and designed with your comfort and convenience in mind. All of our treatment rooms have comfortable chairs combined with an overall ambiance to make you feel relaxed on your visit. We keep you relaxed and do the treatment swiftly and smoothly.

  • Commitment to Excellence

    We are continuously re-educating ourselves on the latest and most advanced clinical skills and techniques to improve our ability to treat you effectively.

  • Best Dental Service

    It is the high caliber of expertise and customer service that makes Dr Kamesh Talati so popular and well respected in Surendrangar, Gujarat.

  • Accessible Locations

    We have multiple locations to reduce your travel time, and offer more appointment options to fit you busy schedule.