
Orthodontics Service In Surendranagar and Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Orthodontics is one of many dental specialties. The word "orthodontics" is derived from the Greek words orthos, meaning proper or straight and odons meaning teeth. Orthodontics is specifically concerned with diagnosing and treating tooth misalignment and irregularity in the jaw area. Initially, orthodontic treatments were geared toward the treatment of pre-teens and teen, however one third of our orthodontic patients are adults.

There are many advantages to well-aligned teeth, including better oral hygiene, less fracturing and breakage of permanent teeth, clearer speech and a more pleasant smile. Though orthodontic treatment can be effective at any age, the American Dental Association suggests that an orthodontic assessment should be performed around the age of seven. The earlier orthodontic treatment begins, the more quickly the problem can be successfully resolved.

Why Braces?

Your dentist may have discussed with you the benefits of having healthy teeth and proper jaw alignment. Crooked and crowded teeth are hard to clean and maintain. This can result in tooth decay, worsen gum disease and lead to tooth loss. Other orthodontic problems can contribute to abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, inefficient chewing function, excessive stress on gum tissue and the bone that supports the teeth, or misalignment of the jaw joints. These can lead to chronic headaches and face or neck pain. Treatment by an orthodontist can be less costly than the additional care required to treat dental problems arising as a result of orthodontic problems. For most people, a beautiful smile is the most obvious benefit of orthodontics. After your braces come off, you'll feel more self-confidence and social acceptance.

How Orthodontic treatment works?

Orthodontic appliances can be made of metal, ceramic, or plastic. They may be removable or they may be brackets bonded to the teeth. By placing a constant, gentle force in a carefully controlled direction, braces slowly move teeth to a corrected position. This is a great time to wear braces! Gone are the days when a metal band with a bracket was placed around each tooth. You can choose brackets that are clear or metallic color. You can choose the color of the ties that hold the wire in brackets. Wires are also less noticeable than they used to be and the latest materials move teeth faster with less discomfort to patients.

Why To Choose Us?

  • Tested & Trusted From 1994

    We've been proudly serving entire families dental treatments in Surendranagar and the surrounding area from 1994.

  • Whole Dentistry Under One Roof

    We are providing all kind of dental services under one roof. We have a great team of detnal surgeons and specialists for each dental diseases.

  • Comfortable Clinic

    Our clinic was built and designed with your comfort and convenience in mind. All of our treatment rooms have comfortable chairs combined with an overall ambiance to make you feel relaxed on your visit. We keep you relaxed and do the treatment swiftly and smoothly.

  • Commitment to Excellence

    We are continuously re-educating ourselves on the latest and most advanced clinical skills and techniques to improve our ability to treat you effectively.

  • Best Dental Service

    It is the high caliber of expertise and customer service that makes Dr Kamesh Talati so popular and well respected in Surendrangar, Gujarat.

  • Accessible Locations

    We have multiple locations to reduce your travel time, and offer more appointment options to fit you busy schedule.